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Showing posts from October, 2019

Prompt: Eldritch Parents

A subtle tugging attempts to pull me from our dreams. Visions of the twin orange moons over a tropical landscape I am too young to stand on begin to ripple. My vision adjusts from our collective slumber to the watery depths of my nursery. Around me, I see thousands of my siblings still enjoying their sleep, and below them a massive darkness that could be mistaken for a cast-free shadow by lesser creatures, but a form I recognize as my primagen. I am told that one night I will resemble him in both size and form. Eons from now I will fall into a sleep-like metamorphosis the rest of my body will form and my fringe-like fins will become wings heralding my future inheritance. For now, I am a brain-sized pod that is only a master of the ocean, or at least I like to think so. Vibrating my fins, I swim closer to the surface to view the constellations from here. They’re arranged differently than the ones from the dream, but I can pick out a few familiar stars based on their chimes. Along wi...